Mana Bukti Bahwa Dunia Diciptakan Oleh Tuhan ?
Get The Essentials10:50
Tulisan ini saya buat setelah membaca komentar-komentar di salah satu video ceramah dan tanya jawab Dr. Zakir Naik via youtube. Tertarik de...
Fathyah is a young Jakarta based life enthusiast who likes to write and shares her thoughts with people. Her writings are mostly about deep and questionable thoughts and sometimes also poems. As a twin-energy human being, she likes to immerse herself in a total new environment where she can get lost and never be found, unless she wants to. Her lifetime motto is “Action speaks louder than your opinion”.
Alhamdulillah... Gw seneng banget karena akhirnya UK Visa gw jadi. Inshaa Allah gw akan ke UK bulan Oktober ini dan akhirnya penanti...